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Benefits of
What do I do?
Nothing. After you get in the tank, just be still and breathe.
What's it like?Nothing else; in our cabin-style float tanks, you float easier than in the Dead Sea! No gravity! The water & air in the cabin are the same temperature as your skin, so you don't feel anything! Inside the float room can be dark (recommended) candle lit, or with the lights on. You can listen to music or have it quiet (we've got earplugs.) It is completely relaxing.
Benefits of Epsom Salt
Benefits of Sulfates(Research shows that sulfate is not easily absorbed through the stomach, but through the skin.)
Cabin Style TanksOur U.S. made cabins are 8ft long, 4ft wide, and 8ft tall. You can stand up in them, the solution is 10" deep and contains 850lbs Epsom salt! Private rooms with showers, each has a 36" wide door and large window. Here's what they look like on the inside:
Benefits of Magnesium
-energy production -muscle function -bone formation -creation of new cells -vitamin B activation -relaxation of muscles
-kidneys -adrenals -brain -nervous system Music?Most people prefer nothing. We have some relaxing Zen music for meditation playing through underwater speakers. Your choice; you can turn it on or off throughout your float.
Who floats?
Anyone go crazy?
What happens?Floating for Sports? |